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Father, thank you for the gift of life.  Thank you for creating me in your image and giving me life.  You formed me and knit me together in my mother’s womb and say that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  You say that my life has value, purpose and is significant to you and your Kingdom.

Father, forgive me for believing lies that the enemy has told me about myself and my life.  Help me believe what you say about me and my life.  Teach me to live my life in a way that honors you and the life you’ve given me.

Lord, I confess that I have also believed lies from the enemy about other people. I have judged people, who are created in your image, to be less valuable and less important than other people. I have judged others based on their outward appearance instead of how you see them.

Lord, I confess that I have judged, criticized and rejected those created in your image.  I confess that I have allowed my heart to become hard and insensitive towards other people.  I confess the times that I have said hurtful things to people and about people.  Please forgive me for every unkind word and unkind thought I’ve had about others. Forgive me for hurting your people and help me accept your forgiveness.

Lord, you tell us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “and my people, who bear my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

As your people, please forgive us for our sins, heal us and set us free from the enemy’s strongholds in our lives and in our nation.  We have exchanged your truth for the enemy’s lies.

We confess that we have hurt, rejected and even destroyed the lives of those you created in your own image.

Lord, our sins have created deep pain in our hearts, our church, our community and our nation.  We ask you to heal us.  Heal our hearts, heal our homes and heal our land.

Lord, we ask that you deliver us from the enemy.  Set us free from the lies we believe about unborn babies.  Set us free from the lies we believe about people of other races, other social status, economic status and physical and mental abilities.  Set us free from the sin of pride, hatred, abuse, neglect and favoritism.  Tear down the strongholds in our lives, churches, communities and nation that the enemy built in our lives.

Lord, thank you for every person that you create. Thank you for the unborn babies that you are knitting together in their mother’s wound. Thank you for that they are created in your image and you have a plan and purpose for their lives.

Lord, thank you for creating people of all different races and outward appearances. Thank you that each person you create is wonderful and glorious because they are created in your image.

Lord, thank you for the young and for the old.  Thank you that your children are valuable and their lives have purpose in every season of their lives.  Children and adults of all ages are a blessing to you and to our world.   Children and adults with great abilities and those with special needs are of equal value and beauty in your eyes.

Father, thank you for your forgiveness.  Thank you for healing us and setting us free.  Give us your eyes to see people, your heart to love people and help us walk by your Spirit.  Show me who to bless others and lead them to you.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.